Slogans serve as a gentle, calming reminders that our circumstances might not be as impossible or as desperate as they at first appear. These concise expressions of wisdom offer quick reassurance that we really are able to cope with whatever life brings, prompting us to take constructive action and to treat ourselves and others with compassion and respect. Even when we are too new to Al-Anon or too overwhelmed by our circumstances to recall on of the many Al-Anon principles that may apply, a simple slogan can put the entire situation into perspective..Keep It Simple
The slogan, “Keep It Simple” helps to remind us that simple solutions are often the most effective ones. This slogan can help us look at what really is happening rather than what we imagine may happen, and to take a reasonable, step by step approach rather than act out of fear or panic. “Sometimes the “It” in “Keep It Simple” can be the program itself.” Hope for Today (B-27), p.74 “To get a good, firm hold on the Al‑Anon idea … ‘keep it simple!'” One Day at a Time in Al‑Anon (B-6), p. 143 how important is it
The slogan, “How Important Is It” helps us to have perspective, to determine what is of most value to personally, and to avoid being upset over things that are of minimal importance at the moment. It helps free us to appreciate the good things that life offers. “It’s not important for me to comment on everything I hear. It is important for me to let go and let others make decisions for themselves.” Hope For Today (B‑27), p.142 “Al‑Anon helped me to let live by teaching me about detachment and helping me to see that many of my problems stemmed from minding everyone’s business but my own.” Courage to Change (B-16), p. 234 Easy does it
The slogan, “Easy Does It” helps us remember that trying to “force solutions” often does not work. We may not be able to solve every problem in the time frame we wish to solve it in. Some problems may not be for us to solve. Sometimes a gentler, more patient approach is more effective and less frustrating. “Easy Does It” suggests not only that I learn to slow down, but also that I learn to lighten up. Today I will strive to take a more accepting attitude toward myself and to enjoy the day, regardless of what I achieve.” Courage To Change (B‑16), p. 93“Improving our own attitudes, and our own state of mind, takes time. Haste and impatience can only defeat our purposes.” This Is Al‑Anon (P‑32), p. 9 keep an open mind
The slogan, “Keep An Open Mind” helps us to be open to ideas from sources that we might not have imagined could be helpful. It helps us to take advantage of all opportunities. “When I count my blessings, I remember to count Al-Anon’s gift of hope.” Hope For Today (B-27), p. 366 “If you try to keep an open mind, you will find help. You will come to realize that there is no situation too difficult to be bettered and no unhappiness too great to be lessened.”(Suggested Al‑Anon/Alateen Closing), This Is Al‑Anon (P-32), p. 11 think
The slogan, “Think” helps us to remember to think before we act on or react to situations. This slogan helps us make good decisions about how to act. When we apply this slogan, it helps free us from distorted thinking and impulsive, potentially destructive decision-making. “Am I expecting everything in life to be just the way I want it? Maybe I ought to take a good look at those expectations and see if they are realistic for my particular situation. If I’m constantly reaching for the moon, I’m going to miss a lot of pleasant things right here in my little world.” “The Serenity Prayer is excellent medicine for discontentment.” One Day At A Time (B-6), p. 298 progress not perfection
“A mistake a day keeps my perfectionism at bay. Today I will endeavor to enjoy my humanness.” Hope for Today (B-27), p. 335 “My sponsor’s gentle reminder of ‘Progress, not perfection’ encourages my to give myself credit.” How Al‑Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics (B-32), p. 340 keep coming back
“They asked me to come back. I told them I had to go home and vacuum, that I really didn’t have the time – and, if they had anything to tell me, they should write it down and I would review it. They smiled and said, “Just ‘Keep Coming Back’!” They exchanged hugs – which I did not like or want. I ran out!” (Member Sharing#60), Many Voices, One Journey (B-31), p. 191 “Some members are initially reluctant to go to meetings, but ultimately remain in Al‑Anon for many years. Was I reluctant to attend Al‑Anon meetings? What kept me coming back?” Many Voices, One Journey (B-31), p. 192 but for the grace of god
The slogan, “But For The Grace Of God” helps to remind us to be compassionate with others, including the alcoholics in our lives. This slogan can help us avoid impatience,criticism, resentment, and vengefulness, which does harm to ourselves as well as to others. “When I take time for gratitude, I perceive a better world. Today I will appreciate the miracles all around me.” Courage To Change (B-16), p. 282 “Even the darkest of moments can be faced with a grateful heart, if not for the crisis itself, at least for the growth it can evoke with the help of our Higher Power.” . . . In All Our Affairs (B-15), p. 209 one day at a time
The slogan, “One Day At a Time” provides a practical approach to challenges and fears. We focus our energies on dealing productively with today, and we give up worrying about a future we can not predict or control and about a past we cannot change. It helps us break overwhelming tasks into manageable steps. “Just for today I choose to enjoy all this day has to offer. If I don’t like the offering, I’ll ask my Higher Power to help me adjust my attitude.” Hope for Today (B-27), p. 249 “I will keep always in mind that today is my sole concern, and that I will make it as good a day as I can.” One Day at a Time in Al‑Anon (B-6), p. 79 listen and learn
“An important part of what I give to my fellow Al‑Anons is my willingness to listen.” Hope For Today (B-27), p. 275 “Al-Anon’s slogan, ‘Listen and Learn’ reminds us that if we have the self-discipline to be quiet and pay attention to others’ words, we can learn a tremendous amount about ourselves and our world.” How Al‑Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics (B-32), p. 97-98 keep it simple
“Sometimes the “It” in “Keep It Simple” can be the program itself.” Hope for Today (B-27), p.74 “To get a good, firm hold on the Al‑Anon idea … ‘keep it simple!'” One Day at a Time in Al‑Anon (B-6), p. 143 first things first
The slogan, “First Things First” helps us to set reasonable priorities and to keep a realistic perspective. This slogan helps us to make choices we are comfortable with, and to act with balance rather than react to crises. “How can I apply “First Things First” to clarify a confounding task today?” Hope for Today (B-27), p. 73 “‘First Things First’ helps us make more workable choices and to live with the choices we make.” How Al‑Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics (B-32), p. 69 let it begin with me
The slogan, “Let It Begin With Me” helps us to keep the focus on and be responsible for our own actions and behaviors. This slogan helps us to take action to change the things we can change and to take the responsibility to get our own needs met, rather than waiting for others to change or to meet our needs for us. “How I respond to someone’s lack of interest in Al‑Anon may convey the message of recovery better than any detailed personal testimony.” Hope For Today (B-27), p. 56 “The problem is that those who need it don’t always want it. We can share our experience, strength, and hope with them and be a good example of Al‑Anon recovery by practicing its principles in all our affairs.” Paths to Recovery (B-24), p. 227 just for today
The slogan, “Just For Today” tells us that things are more manageable when we deal with and live in the present. Things that seem way too difficult to manage long term may seem more manageable if we deal with them just for today. We can move forward in small steps rather than be overwhelmed by trying to change everything at one time. This is described further in the Al-Anon pamphlet, Just For Today. “Just for today I will look for ways to enjoy life – stop by a garden, try a new hobby, or call a good friend. I can look for humor. I can savor love. I can explore something new. Maybe just for today, I’ll try standing on my head to see if I like the view.” Courage to Change (B-16), p. 274 “Just for today I will find a little time to relax and to realize what life is and can be; time to think about God and get a better perspective on myself.”Alcoholism, the Family Disease (P-4), p. 17 let go and let god
The slogan, “Let Go And Let God” helps us to let go of trying to control things we can not control. When our attempts at control are not working, when we feel we have run out of options, when we don’t know what we can do, this slogan helps us trust that a Power greater than ourselves will help us when the time is right. “When I let go and let God work in my life, the pendulum that swings between the black-and-white of obsession and indifference finds balance in the peaceful colors of serenity.” Hope for Today (B-27), p. 76 “This slogan gives us permission to replace stress, worry and suffering with serenity and faith.” How Al‑Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics (B-32), p. 76 live and let live
The slogan, “Live And Let Live” has two parts. “Let live” reminds us to allow others the dignity of making their own decisions and experiencing the consequences of their decisions and choices. By minding our own business, we are freed from feeling responsible for changing other. We also learn to “live” by taking care of our own physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. ”Live and Let Live” helps me stay on my own plot of recovery where I can do the most good, rather than wasting my time on someone else’s.” Hope for Today (B-27), p. 70 “Our only concern should be our own conduct, our own improvement, our own lives. We are entitled to our own view of things, and we have no right to inflict it on anyone else.” Alcoholism, the Family Disease (P-4), p. 17 together we can make it
“I need never again do anything alone.” Hope For Today (B‑27), p. 181 “We must learn to lean on others, and sometimes accept others’ leaning on us. We must share our experience, strength, and hope with others so that we can all grow. We can’t do it alone. No man is an island, no one is a rock. Only by truthfulness and trust can we grow in Alateen. “Together We Can Make It.” Alateen: hope for Children of Alcoholics (B‑3), p. 49 AcronymsHOPE: Happy Our Program Exists HALT: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired DETACH: Don't. Even. Think. About. Changing. Him/Her. FEAR: False. Evidence. Appearing. Real. THINK: is it...? Thoughtful. Honest. Intelligent. Necessary. Kind. STEPS: Solutions. To. Every. Problem NUTS: Not. Using. The. Steps QTIP: Quit. Taking. It. Personally LOVE: Let. Others. Voluntarily. Evolve HOW: Honest. Open. Willing. |